第七回優秀論文賞(2016)  The 7th Excellent Paper Award(2016)
日本香粧品学会誌 Vol.38, No.4, pp.237–243(2014)


山羽宏行*,1,村上祐子1,田中 浩1,八代洋一1,榎本愛子2,青木 弾2,松下泰幸2,中田 悟1,福島和彦2

Analysis of Transcutaneous Penetration Pathway Using TOF-SIMS

Hiroyuki YAMABA*,1, Yuhko MURAKAMI1, Hiroshi TANAKA1, Youichi YASHIRO1, Aiko ENOMOTO2, Dan AOKI2, Yasuyuki MATSUSHITA2, Satoru NAKATA1, Kazuhiko FUKUSHIMA2


The purpose of this study is to analyze transcutaneous penetration pathway and rate of ingredients topically applied on human skin. To visualize the distribution of penetrated ingredients in stratum corneum non-invasively, a combination of ad- hesive tape stripping method and TOF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) analysis was used. L-Ascorbic acid 2-phosphoric acid magnesium salt (APM) and sodium dl-α-tocopheryl phosphate(VEP), one of whitening ingredients, were selected as the evaluation target of transcutaneous penetration. APM and VEP were applied topically on the skin surface and then corneocytes were stripped from those area using adhesive tapes in series. These tape-stripping samples were subjected to TOF-SIMS analysis and the horizontal molecular distribution of tape, corneocytes, APM and VEP could be visualized respectively by two-dimensional mapping of each specific ion desorbed from the sample surface. APM and VEP were penetrated into the 7th stripped stratum corneum in 5 and 60 min, respectively and located mainly around the peripheral area of corneocytes, especially around clustered corneocytes. On the basis of these results, a combination of adhesive tape stripping method and TOF-SIMS analysis is considered to make it possible to analyze the transcutaneous penetration path-way and rate of ingredients. Furthermore, the evaluation method of transcutaneous penetration in this study may be a safe and effective method because it could non-invasively and directly detect the distribution of materials in the stratum corneum without a labeled substance.

Key Words:

transcutaneous penetration, TOF-SIMS, tape stripping.

1,* 日本メナード化粧品株式会社総合研究所
 Research Laboratories, Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co., Ltd.

2 名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科
 Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University